Thursday, 24 May 2012

A successful RHS Chelsea for GBW

Thanks to the generosity of our friends at Gardman, BTO Garden BirdWatch was able to have a presence at this year's RHS Chelsea Flower Show and to promote the survey and our community of Garden BirdWatchers.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Foxy goings on

One regular job for the GBW Team is to run validation checks on the records being entered through GBW Online. We do this by using threshold values that flag up any unusual records. One of the flags that we use looks for unusually high counts, with that for Red Fox set to ‘5’ nationally. We follow up cases where the threshold is exceeded with an email or call. When we queried Caroline Rayner’s count she dropped us a reply to say that she has a dog fox and two vixens who make regular visits, often in the company of last year’s cubs. Her highest count was 12 individuals. Caroline has Badgers as well, so the GBW Team were all rather jealous.

Visiting foxes - © Caroline Rayner
Some of Caroline's visiting foxes

Visiting foxes - © Caroline Rayner
One of Caroline Rayner's foxes