Friday, 13 January 2012

Unseasonal activity

We always receive a few reports over the late winter period of unseasonal nesting attempts, so it is perhaps a little surprising that we have not had more reported to us this year, especially given the very mild conditions.

From November through until now we have had reports of both Woodpigeon and Collared Dove on either eggs or young (both species can breed throughout the year), together with Moorhen (Birmingham) and Mallard (Gloucestershire) with young, and Tawny Owl on eggs (Grampian).

Robin carrying nest material - 12.01.2012 by Paul Baylis

We have also had reports other various species prospecting for nests or even building. These include Magpie and Jackdaw carrying material to nest sites, Great Tit taking material into a nest box and a Robin (pictured) in the early stages of building (Robin nests have a foundation of dead leaves, with moss, dried grass and a few dead leaves added to make a simple cup, which is then lined with finer grasses, plant fibres and rootlets).

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